Sunday 13 December 2009


Classical Management Functions

  • Planning -devising plans for the organization and setting goals to achieve the plan.
  • Organizing - deciding how to use the organization's resources
  • Staffing - hiring and training workers
  • Directing - guiding employees to perform their work in a way that support to organization's goals
  • Controlling - monitoring the organization's progress toward reaching its goals

Strategic Level

  • Managers at this level are often called executives
  • Focus - long-range view of the firm
  • Primary function - planning

Tactical level
  • Managers at this level are often called middle managers
  • Focus - carrying out the visions of top-level managers
  • Primary functions - organizing and staffing

Operational Level
  • Managers at this level are often called supervisors
  • Focus - meeting that day's objectives
  • Primary functions - directing and controlling

Management Information System

  • A set of formal business system designed to provide information for an organization
  1. - Integrates the five management functions
  • MIS manager runs the MIS department
  1. - Also called Chief Information Officer
  2. - Must be comfortable with computer technology and the organization's business

The New Management Model
  • The traditional model has changed over the years
  1. - Largely due to advances in technology
  2. - Also due to changes in the global business environment
  • Features of the new model
  1. - A flattened pyramid
  2. - The impact of groupwave
  3. - Team work
A Flattened Pyramid
  • Networks connect people to data and other people
  1. - Make information more readily available
  2. - Allow managers to supervise more people
  3. - Allow decision-making authority to be spread throughout the organization

The Impact of Groupware
  • Groupware permits information to be assembled in central database
  1. - Employees in the different department or different offices can share information directly
  • Impact managers in different ways

The Impact on Managers
  • The way information is shared
  1. - People acquire power in an organization by knowing things others do not
  2. - Groupware reduces this imbalance
  • Changes in managerial authority
  1. - with information more readily available, decisions are more prone to being second guessed

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